We charge by the maximum number of active devices required.
There is no limit to the number of devices, as long as it does not exceed the active device limit at any given time.
If your event has 30 teams but only has 2 devices per team, then you will only need our 60-devices subscription. Also, you can run multiple events as long as each event only requires 60 active devices.
Build & test
at your own pace
All features included
Premium support
Unlimited devices
All features included
Onboarding & set up
Premium support
Paid monthly
Unlimited devices
All features included
Onboarding & set up
Premium support
Paid monthly
Unlimited devices
All features included
Onboarding & set up
Premium support
Paid monthly
All prices are in USD and charged with applicable taxes added at checkout.
We got you. Send us a message using the form below and we will reply within 12 hours.
We are designed for use in any country and have supported events from every continent for their event gamification. If you are able to access "https://get.playtours.app", it means that we are supported.
We have an unlimited free trial for you to create and test your game. Payment is only required when you start using PlayTours for actual events with more than 2 devices.
PlayTours, a scavenger hunt creator app, is a platform for anyone to build their own, customised games. To prevent any conflicts of interest, we do not have ready-made games available. However, we do have demo games added to your account upon registration to give you an idea of how games are built.
Our Solutions Team will respond within 12 hours from either our email at "hello@playtours.app" or the live chat accessible from the bottom right-hand corner of our platform. We will provide detailed guidance on how you can implement your ideas on PlayTours.
The term "player" refers to a single, human entity. In other words, when we use the word "player," we are specifically referring to a human being who is participating in the activity.
The term 'device' refer to the physical piece of equipment, regardless of how many individuals are using it at the same time. For example, if this activity is played on the smartphone, and five individuals are using the same smartphone to play that game, it is still considered to be only one device.