Using PlayTours' Chapter-Task-Point System


PlayTours’ chapters-tasks-points framework makes it a very flexible game design platform. Read on to see some common scavenger hunt patterns and how to achieve them using the framework.


Before we start, let’s talk a little bit about the framework.

  • Each chapter requires a pre-configured number of points to complete the chapter.
  • Each chapter can contain 1 or as many tasks you like, and each task will reward players with a pre-configured number of points.
  • Once the player collects enough points to complete the chapter, they move on to the next chapter.

“I want players to choose the tasks they want to complete in any order they like.”

Place all the tasks in a single chapter. This should be enough for 80% of game, try this out first before creating other chapters.

“I want players to do the tasks in a specified order.”

Place all the tasks in a single chapter, and put “Yes” for “Must complete tasks in order”.

“I want players to do some tasks in 1 area, and then move on to another area, and do more tasks there.”

Chapter 1: Place some tasks here.

Chapter 2: Place 1 task to bring players to the next area.

Chapter 3: Place some tasks here.

“I want to give the players a riddle before telling them where to go next”

In one single chapter, place the riddle and then another task to bring them to the new location in sequence, and enable "Must complete task in order".

“I do not want teams to be clustered in the same place, and I want them to do tasks in different areas at random.”

Place tasks in different areas in different chapters, then mark “Shuffle Chapters” to Yes.

“I want to split teams up physically, and then allow them to do all the tasks in any order they like from their physical location.”

Chapter 1: Add a task here telling teams to go to different locations. You can verify their location via the location-type task or have them upload a photo and use “judged-image” to verify their location.

Chapter 2: Add all the tasks here. Teams can do the tasks in any order they like but they will naturally do the tasks nearer to them first.

“I want to give players an orientation briefing and tutorial before starting the game.”

Use the first chapter and add tasks to brief players and create the tutorial-type tasks.

“I want to bring players back to a meeting point after the game.”

Use the last chapter and add tasks to bring them back to the meeting point. You can also use the last chapter to ask for feedback using the “free-text” task type.“.

That's it! If you need help, do email us at