The Complete Guide to Scavify Scavenger Hunt App - With Screenshots


Scavify is a tool for creating engaging scavenger hunts that can be customized to fit your specific needs. Whether you're planning a team-building event, an educational activity, or just a fun outing, Scavify provides the features you need. In this guide, we'll walk you through the entire process of setting up a scavenger hunt on Scavify, from signing up to launching your hunt and analyzing the results.

Signing Up and Overview Dashboard

Once you've signed up for a Scavify scavenger hunt app account, you'll be greeted by the overview dashboard. This dashboard provides quick access to high-level information for all your hunts, including detailed breakdowns and analytics to help you make better decisions. Here's a closer look at some of the key features:

Recent Activity Feed

The Recent Activity Feed shows activity from all your hunts. This is your account-wide feed, allowing you to monitor what's happening across all your ongoing activities.

Recently Active Hunts

This section provides a snapshot of your recently active hunts for quick access. You can easily jump back into any active hunt to make updates or check progress.

Overview - Activity Graph

The Activity Graph visually displays completed challenge activity over time. This feature helps you track engagement and see how participants are interacting with your hunt.

Hunts and Hunt Views

Your hunts will be located under different tabs depending on their status. Here's what you need to know:

Draft Hunt

The Draft Hunts tab lists all hunts that are ready for customization. Here, you can set the dates, add challenges, and configure other details before launching your hunt.

Hunt Edit View

Now let's jump into the hunt edit view and take a look around. This is where you'll customize the various parts of your hunt.

Hunt Edit Tabs

The Hunt Edit Tabs are where you configure different aspects of your hunt. These tabs include:

  1. General Tab
    • Set the hunt name, dates, location, announcement, and welcome message.
  1. Tasks Tab
    • Here you can pick from a limited set of task types, including photo challenges, GPS check-ins, Q&A, QR codes, video challenges, and multiple-choice questions. 

For example:

  • Photo Challenge: Players can submit photos via their phones.
  • Multiple Choice Questions: You can ask questions with single or multiple correct answers.
  • GPS Check-In: Fill in the address, and players need to go there to check-in.
  1. Custom Configuration
    • Choose whether tasks are included in the leaderboard, photo stream, community flagging, and whether they allow social sharing.
  1. Graphics Tab
    • Add or change any of your logos, banners, and featured photos for decoration.
  1. Notifications Tab
    • Configure which actions trigger push notifications for participants.

Launching Your Hunt

After setting up all the tabs and filling in your hunt details, you can go ahead and launch your hunt. Once launched, it will become available in the app for participants to join and start playing.

After the Game is Live

Once your game is live, you'll want to keep track of participants and their progress.


In the Participants section, you can find a list of all participants across your hunts. You can view their profile pages, view reports, and more.

Post-Game Analysis

After the game has finished, you can run reports to see data on groups and tags. This data can help you understand how participants interacted with your hunt and provide insights for future activities.


Setting up a scavenger hunt on Scavify is a straightforward process. Whether you're creating a simple team-building activity or an elaborate event, Scavify provides the tools you need to make it a success, but limited to branding customization. By following this step-by-step guide, you'll be able to set up and launch your scavenger hunt with ease, ensuring a fun and engaging experience for all participants.

That's it! If you need help, do email us at