Quality-of-life updates for location-based games | 25 October 2022


Location-based tasks are a common feature in outdoor scavenger hunts. We have updated the behavior of location-based tasks to make the experience better for players.


1) Location-based tasks can now be configured to be viewable outside the circle radius, but players still need to be inside the circle to complete the task.

Set "Can view task outside radius" to "Yes".

Players must still be within the circle to complete the task

2) If "Can view task outside radius" is "No", they will be presented with this screen if they click on the task. Other tasks will be hidden from the map to help the team focus on 1 single task.

3) Tasks are now listed from nearest to furthest:

4) As location-based tasks are a key feature for most games, we have moved location-related configurations onto the main detail page instead of its own tab.

We hope that with these changes, players will find it more intuitive to get to each task location.

That's it! If you need help, do email us at hello@playtours.app