Make Your Scavenger Hunts Less Frustrating and More Fun for Kids: Tips from an Expert


If you're like most parents, you want scavenger hunts to be both challenging and fun for your kids. But sometimes it can be frustrating when they get stuck on a particular stage and can't seem to figure out what to do next. In this blog post, we will share some tips from an expert on how to make scavenger hunts less frustrating and more fun for kids!


#1: Give Hints Automatically When Needed

#2: Allow Players to Chat Directly with Facilitators

#3:  Use the Auto Forward Functionality

#1: Give Hints Automatically When Needed

One way to make scavenger hunts more fun for kids is to give them hints and clues if they get stuck. This way, they can ask for help when they need it and won't get as frustrated. You can also use the hint function in the scavenger hunt app to give them a little nudge in the right direction.

#2: Allow Players to Chat Directly with Facilitators

Another way to make scavenger hunts more fun for kids is to allow them to talk directly to the facilitators. This way, they can ask for help if they need it and the facilitators can choose how best and how much to help them depending on their progress. If you're using the scavenger hunt app, you can use the chat function to talk to the facilitators.

Step 1: When adding a new session, allow team-to-facilitator messaging

Step 2: Players can send messages to facilitators

Step 3: Facilitators reply via the facilitator dashboard

#3:  Use the Auto Forward Functionality

If you're using the scavenger hunt app, you can use the auto-forward functionality to move players to the next stage if they spend too much time on a specific stage. This way, they won't get frustrated and will be able to keep moving forward.

We hope you found these tips helpful! Scavenger hunts can be a lot of fun for kids if they're done right. With these tips, you can make sure that your kids have a blast and don't get too frustrated.

Happy hunting!

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