PlayTours have a 1-of-a-kind feature, not found on any other platforms, that enables game builders to natively create advanced and engaging puzzles such as:
1) Fill-in-the-blanks
2) Matching Pairs
3) Scrambled Phrase
4) Image Jigsaw
5) Word Search
To try all the puzzle types out in an actual demo game, click here.
This article will walk you through how each of them work, and how to set them up.
Select "Fill In The Blanks" task type, and set the accepted answer in the following format:
"The height of the Eiffel Tower is {324} meters tall and it was designed by the engineer {Gustav Eiffel | Eiffel}."
Adding the "|" between allows you to add multiple correct answers for individual blanks. This helps reduce players' frustration and anxiety.
Select "Matching Pairs" task type, and configure it as follows. You can either have both sides as image and text, both to be images or both to be texts.
Select "Scrambled Phrase" task type, and configure it as follows. The blocks are automatically created based on the empty spaces.
You can also use this to jumble up a word instead of a phrase - simply add spaces between a word.
Select "Image Jigsaw" task type, and configure it as follows.
Select "Word Search" task type, and configure it as follows. The list of words that appear above the word search can be configured to be shown or hidden.
Thank you for reading and learning about PlayTours' advanced task type features. If you have any questions, please send them to
That's it! If you need help, do email us at